GedHTree HomepageIndex
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
1898 Spanish-American War
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
1789 George Washington first president
 Zadock Mcnew
 b.1772 Mercer Cty, KY
 d.1813 Schuyler Cty, IL
 Zadock Mcnew
 b.1810 KY or IN
 d.1878 Parker Cty, TX
 Elizabeth Bowling (Bolin)
 Mary Elizabeth Mcnew
 b.1848 MO
 Mary (Polly) Borland

1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
1898 Spanish-American War
1789 George Washington first president
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1740 Colony population = 1.5 million
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
 Basil McNew
 Zadock Mcnew
 b.1772 Mercer Cty, KY
 d.1813 Schuyler Cty, IL
 Priscilla Mcnew
 Elizabeth Bowling (Bolin)

1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
1898 Spanish-American War
1789 George Washington first president
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1740 Colony population = 1.5 million
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
 Basil McNew
 Zadock Mcnew
 b.1772 Mercer Cty, KY
 d.1813 Schuyler Cty, IL
 Mary Mcnew
 Elizabeth Bowling (Bolin)

1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
1898 Spanish-American War
1789 George Washington first president
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1740 Colony population = 1.5 million
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
 Basil McNew
 Zadock Mcnew
 b.1772 Mercer Cty, KY
 d.1813 Schuyler Cty, IL
 Eli Mcnew
 Elizabeth Bowling (Bolin)

1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
1789 George Washington first president
1681 La Salle explores Louisiana
1700 American colonies prosper
1720 Texas becomes Spanish possession
1735 Freedom of press established
1740 Colony population = 1.5 million
 Hannah Burson
 b.1778 96th Dist, South Carolina
 d.1860 Limestone Co., Texas
 Joseph Burson
 b.1689 Gilbert's , Pennsylvania
 d.1769 Loudoun Co., Virginia
 Joseph Burson
 b.1779 Union Co., South Carolina
 Joseph Burson
 b.1724 Pennsylvania(now Mont
 d.1801 Warren Co., Georgia
 Mary Rachel Potts
 b.1702 Potts Grove, Pennsylvania
 d.1752 Loudoun Co., Virginia
 Isaac Burson
 b.1783 old 96th , South Carolina
 d.1860 Ofelia, Alabama
 Isaac Burson
 b.1752 Fairfax Co., Virginia
 d.1829 Jackson Co., Georgia
 Sarah Burson
 b.1789 Wilkes Co., Georgia
 d.1856 Jackson Co., Georgia
 Mary Shaw?
 b.1732 Bucks Co., Pennsylvania
 d.1811 Warren Co., Georgia
 Delilah Burson
 b.1791 Wilkes Co., Georgia
 David Burson
 b.1792 Wilkes Co., Georgia
 d.1829 Walton Co., Georgia
 Elisha Burson
 b.1795 Wilkes Co., Georgia
 d.1836 Troup Co., Georgia
 Sarah Shaw?
 b.1752 Union Co., South Carolina
 d.1832 Jackson Co., Georgia
 Brookfield Francis Burson
 b.1797 Wilkes Co., Georgia
 d.1869 Jackson Co., Georgia
 Silvaney Burson
 b.1799 Wilkes Co., Georgia